Step work in recovery: Step 7

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In this step, humbly ask Him to remove our shortcomings, says Karen Griessel, a social worker at SANCA Wedge Gardens.

The spiritual principle linked to Step 7 is humility.

Humility is defined as a freedom from pride or arrogance – the quality or state of being humble.

By definition, humility is the very thing many alcoholics and addicts have been missing throughout their addiction. Pride and arrogance are the exact things keeping many of them sick for far too long.

“We practice humility throughout the steps. First, by admitting our powerlessness over the drink or drug, handing our will over to a ‘power’ greater than ourselves, looking deeply into our past and understanding our part in the resentments we held so close and sharing these indiscretions with another,” says Griessel.

“All of these are important pre-cursors to our biggest test in humility. For many of us, this can be difficult. These traits are the very essence of who we were until this point in our lives. However, if we are willing to move forward by trusting our Higher Power, we are promised that we will lose interest in selfish things and gain an interest in more healthy outlets,” she adds.

Griessel explains that this promise furthers the idea that we will become free from the bondage of self, allowing us to focus our efforts on others and creating a better life for everyone involved.

“We must understand that, as we take this step, all of our character defects will not miraculously disappear overnight. However, we are making the conscious decision to humble ourselves to our Higher Power and ask for guidance to become the person we would like to be.

“As we travel through sobriety, Step 7 is one we might need to revisit as new defects of character appear or old ones resurface. Whatever the case may be, we must continue to practice humility by asking our Higher Power for help and guidance,” says Griessel.

Step 7 prayer

“My Creator, I am now willing for you to have all of me, good and bad.

I pray that you now remove from me every single defect of character which stands in the way of my usefulness to you and my fellows.

Grant me strength as I go out from here to do your bidding.”

For more information about SANCA Wedge Gardens Treatment Centre, visit or call 011 430 0320.