Step work in recovery: Step 10

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Continue to take personal inventory and admit when we are wrong.

“In step 10, personal inventory refers to emotional disturbances that can trigger a person to return to misusing drugs or alcohol,” says Karen Griessel, a social worker at SANCA Wedge Gardens.

Watching for these disturbances daily – and taking a daily inventory of them – is an important part of recovery.

“Step 10 helps to keep the spiritual house clean. All humans and are bound to make mistakes, but owning up to them can quickly settle the issue. Rather than weighing on the conscience or building up to produce a greater consequence, the mistake can be corrected promptly and the problem nipped in the bud.

“Nobody likes to admit to being wrong, but it is absolutely necessary to maintain spiritual progress in recovery,” says Griessel.

In Step 10 we focus on the principles of honesty, perseverance/self-discipline and integrity. “The range and depth of our honesty at this point in our recovery is astonishing,” says Griessel.

For more information about SANCA Wedge Gardens Treatment Centre, visit or call 011 430 0320.