SANCA Wedge Gardens’ clients and staff spent Mandela Day putting together care packages for people in need of pampering!
Forming part of the substance use treatment centre’s occupational therapy activities, the assembled care packages included a bodywash/soap, lotion, shampoo and an emery board for nail care.
“These were finished off with a ribbon and a picture of Madiba,” says SANCA Wedge Gardens’ occupational therapist Caryn Berman.
“Our clients worked efficiently in pairs to make a big batch of completed packages. This was in a happy atmosphere of giving and sharing with others,” she adds.
Each client who assisted was given a piece of Caryn’s homemade cake, a sucker, and of course, a care package.
“These packages are being handed out to people outside Wedge Gardens who may be begging on the streets, car guards, or anyone in need of some pampering,” says Caryn.
Clients were also entertained by a group of learners from Lyndhurst Primary School.
“They sang and read poems and essays they had written. These delightful young people brought some brightness and pleasure to our clients.”

Caryn Berman, Daphne Pungo and Thuli Dlamini take a well-earned coffee and cake break.

Thuli Dlamini the housekeeper, holds one of the completed packages.

Many hands make light work!